Sunday, December 4, 2011

Fullerton Bans Foodtrucks

Judging from my last post you would guess that there is no food truck ban in Downtown Fullerton, but according to one that I stopped by, there is a ban starting at about 10 p.m. every night.

You would think with all the bar patrons and clubbers in DTF throughout the week food trucks could make good money by parking on the streets and selling overpriced, greasy comfort food. But the ban prevents them to park on city streets at that time.

C'mon. Give the drunk people on the weekends something to pass their time for an hour or two, so the alcohol can wear off, and they won't drive home drunk like many do. Plus, late night food is always a good thing.

It appears that there is only one place open for food in the middle of the night in Downtown.

1 comment:

  1. I had one of my best meals in DTF from one of those trucks. And I definitely wasn't drunk! I agree. Keep them on the street.
